Forum prawne

polish bicycle laws - forum prawne

my name is oleg, i`m from ukraine
sorry for english posting, unfortunately, i dont speak polish
i will be grateful for the answer to the next question

i take a great interest in polish bicycle laws

rules of the road, profile law for cyclists, maybe articles from any other laws relating to cycling, and most importantly - the laws requiring the authorities to do something for cyclists - to build bicycle paths, build infrastructure, etc.
could you help me please?

2013.7.9 16:17:2

Odpowiedzi w temacie: polish bicycle laws (2)

up :)

2013.7.12 10:27:48

Panowie, proszę o pomoc :)
Słyszałem, że jest przepisy w Polsce że każda nowa droga powinien mieć ścieżku rowerowu
czy to prawda?

2013.7.18 10:11:8


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